South West Corner of the Land is governed by our dead ancestors, Allow space for them, plant flower and tress and make space for some sunlight, A cut/No Space in the corner means dishonouring them.


The Bed in the bedroom should be kept in such a way that the head of a person, while lying down should remain towards west or south. That will cause the person to face East or South. That will cause the person to face East or North, North while he get up.


a position that allows you to see the whole room in front your vantage point you can be most relaxed, most efficent and therefore most productive.

It is believed that ponds in the garden will enhance your wealth luck and create excellent chances.


Brighten the home corners.

During Day keep all the windows of the home open.

Do not start business or any kind of good work in basement..or a area below the ground level.

Avoid Slanted and Curved construction while purchasing new home.


One Should never hoard stale food, withered flowers, torn clothes, waste paper, waste materials, empty tins and other useless household items. These things Prevents Good energy from entering the house.


1. In office, Sit Facing Door.
2. Always, sleep with firm wall behind the head. Windows and doors behind your head are not appropriate.
3. The Kitchen Should not be directly in front of main door.
4. Don't Live in environment where all the building are very tall as compare to yours.


Heavy objects and structure, Master Bedroom, Toilets and Kitchen.

Bright Yellow, Bright White

Regular Linear Shapes and Squares

Basil, Herbs and white pansies.

What Should you so Best with North East Region in your home
 Make a worship place, wells, underground tanks and boring wells.


The bed in the bedroom should be kept in such a way that the head of a person, while lying deoun should remain towards West or South directions. That will cause the person to face East pr North while he get up from the bed.


A tubewell should not cross the North-East side of  the house diagonally, It should be little away from the line, towards East.


First floor of the house should have lesser number of doors and windows than the ground floor, and the numbers should continue decreasing as the number of floors increases.


The Main door of a house should be in a proportionate in size with the size of building.

The entrance of the plot should be in the North East Side of Plot.


The main gate of a house should not face any religious place specially a temple, that is if temple is visible from the main gate it is not good according to Vastu Shastra and the home should not purchased.


A flowing stream of dirty or filthy water in front of a dwelling house, factory or office indicates a clear loss of wealth. Even a stationary filthy water is bad.
A new building should be built up with new material and new wood. any material from an old building should never be used in a new one.


The North Eastern side of the ground in a plot of land should not be higher or even the building at the same side, Rather the ground should be sloping towards the North-East. The walls of the building should be slopping towards the north Eastern side than the south western side. The North Eastern walls of the building should be thinner, if possible, compared to the walls in the south western side.


The Roof of a house should be sloping towards North or East or North East to allow rain water flow out in those direction


A Vacant space should be left in the North Eastern corner of a house. Rather this corner in each room should left vaccent.


If the four corners of the plot do not point towards four directions of north, South, East and West. The Road beside the plot is not straight, the house inside the plot should not be parallel to the road surrounding it. If should be planned according to the magnetic field North and South directions so that it is same line with the four main directions.


The North Eastern side of the ground in a plot of land should not be higher nor even the building at that same side. Rather, the ground should be slopping towards the North-East. The walls of building should also be lower in the North Eastern side than South Western side. The North Eastern walls of the buildings should be thinner, if possible, compared to the walls in the south Western side.


A road in the southern side of the land is not very good.

A road in the northern side of the land is not good.


A plot with roads ending like a dagger should be rejected outright expect the fact that it comes in from North East Direction.


Central Space is better left open or used for rituals.

More furniture along south and west walls is recommended.

If one will not sleep in the room, a pyramid shape will help study meditation.

A well defined path should catch the eye of the people to your front door.


If the Plot is Squared and surrounded by roads on all four sides as shown in the image it can be heavenly for the dwellers. It should be bought at any cost.


The Plot Should not be situated at any Junction Resembling Y or T.


The North East Side of the ground in a plot of land not be higher nor even the building at that same side. Rather, the ground should be sloping towards the North East. The walls of the building should also be lower in the North Eastern Side. The North Eastern walls of the building should be thinner, if possible, comparedto the walss in the South western Side.


The Place of Worship should be in the North East corner of the house and factory. If the master of the house wants to have a child, he should leave space in the North East side of his bedroom.


A river, canal or tube well in the North-East side of a plot is a very good sign.

A mound or hillock or higher ground in the south and west side of a plot is thought to bring in goof health and wealth.

If a plot is in north side of a hill it must be rejected.


If a plot of land is between two bigger plots. It is considered to be bad and it will bring poverty and grief. It should be rejected.


A plot wider at the front and narrower in the rear is called Lion-Faced plot. While aplot with a narrower front and wider rear portion is called cow-faced plot. Cow-Faced Plot is consider to be more better.


A plot of land with its length along East-West direction is called 'Suryabhedi' while a plot with its length along North-South direction is called 'Chandrabhedi'.
Chandrabhedi is consider to be much better than the Suryabhedi.


It is very important, in which direction the land slopes. If it slopes North, it will bring wealth. If it slopes towards South it can cause distress and destruction in the family .If it slopes towards South it can cause distress and destruction in the family. If it slopes towards East, it will bring good luck. But if it slopes towards left it will bring financial loss. So, if the plot of land slopes towards South or West, it should be dressed in much so as to make it slope towards North East.


Things that you required: Magnetic Compass
To Determine the directions of a land/plot, the magnetic compass is placed in the middle of the land.A tread is aligned along the compass needle from North to South. The position of the thread is marked on the ground. That is exact North and South Positions, Now the next thread should be placed in the at right angle of the earlier mark of the ground... that is the East and West Directions, Hence it is very easy to find the East, West, North and South Directions of the Plot.


If the Corners of the Plot point to the four main directions i.e, East, West, North, South respectively, the plot should be rejected.


The plot of land should be free from pebbles, broken pottery, worms, ants, insects, bones, charcoal, pointed objects, mud, dust, holes, pits, husks, thorny shrubs. It will help people of all castes and creed to succeed in life. The middle portion of the plot of land should not be raised like the back of tortoise.


If a rich person or businessman sales a property for any other reason except

  • Poverty
  • Ill Luck
But lived happily there, the property is good to purchase but if it has been sold by some person who became poor and distressed living there, the property should be avoided.


The easiest way to judge a house is to stand or sit at that place and feel the vibration of it with closed eye for five to ten minutes. If there is feeling of happiness, feeling of some uplifting motion and good vibration the place should be purchased or rented.


Land can also be tested by digging a pit, pit should be 5ft deep and should be refilled with the very soil dug out of it.

  • If soil excess after filling the pit completely, the land is good one and should be purchased.
  • If the soil fill that pit and no excess soil remain, it will be an average land.
  • If the soil cannot fill the pit completely, that plot is not good and should not be purchased. 


Click on th image to see the larger version


Test of soil is a important factor in Vastu Shastra.

If soil test is good (not bitter), sometime sweet also is good for Bhramins, (Teachers and guru of the society).
Bitter test is suitable for Kshatriyas and Sour test for Business Class people, any other test is for other working clases. Rocky land is not suitable for constructing home.


Factors like color of soil is the most important one, before buying a land see what kind of colors suits you according to Vastu Shastra.

1.Red Soil - By looking towards the land you will feel a bit of reddish tone, this color is suitable for warrior class.
2.Yellow Soil - By looking towards the land you will feel a bit of yellowish tone, this color is suitable for business class people.
3.Black Soil - This color is suitable for Backward class people.


Three main things that you have to keep care of while making a new home.
1. Commencement
2. Establishment of main door
3. Enter in New Home

Vastu Months - Considered Favourable Month:
1. Aug - May
2. July - Aug
3. Nov -Dec
4. Dec- Jan

Favourable Days
1. Monday
2. Wednesday
4. Friday

Favourable Titthi's
1. Dvitiya
2. Panchami
3. Saptami
4. Ekadashi