a position that allows you to see the whole room in front your vantage point you can be most relaxed, most efficent and therefore most productive.

It is believed that ponds in the garden will enhance your wealth luck and create excellent chances.


Brighten the home corners.

During Day keep all the windows of the home open.

Do not start business or any kind of good work in basement..or a area below the ground level.

Avoid Slanted and Curved construction while purchasing new home.


One Should never hoard stale food, withered flowers, torn clothes, waste paper, waste materials, empty tins and other useless household items. These things Prevents Good energy from entering the house.


1. In office, Sit Facing Door.
2. Always, sleep with firm wall behind the head. Windows and doors behind your head are not appropriate.
3. The Kitchen Should not be directly in front of main door.
4. Don't Live in environment where all the building are very tall as compare to yours.