Vastu perfect bedroom is essential for our physical and mental well-being, to keep you and your family healthy we have selected most important advices related to Vastu perfect bedroom and published below, share this page with your family and friends and keep them healthy.

Here are some important vastu tips for good health and a sound and peaceful sleep.
  1. Do not eat over bed and keep your bed clean., dust and left food particles bring  negativity / attract -ve energy,Square or rectangle bedroom are the best.
  2. The mattress should made of pure cotton and provide good support to the body while resting.
  3. Many Vastu Shastra experts says to avoid Box beds, but it is completely un-necessary , keep your bed clean.
  4. Avoid beam over your bed.
  5. Shoes, slippers, etc. should not be kept under the bed. Try to keep the area under the bed as clean as possible as dirt and dust accumulate a lot of negativity, 
  6. Your bedroom should be a place where you can totally relax. Keep objects out of bedroom that make noise (such as music system and television).
  7. Bedroom should have walls with cold colors, such as sky blue, avoid hot colors.
  8. Do not a place a mirror /  dressing table directly in the front of the bed or keep the mirror covered most of the time.
  9. The south-west area of the bedroom should have heavy furniture or almira,  should not be kept empty.
  10. Sleeping position: Avoid sleeping with head towards the North direction.
  11. The interiors of the bedroom should be aesthetic and tasteful. Cold and colour like blue or soothing and restful, and induce a good sleep. Avoid colours like red and black in the bedrooms.
  12. For mental peace you can have your lord or guru pictures hanging in the wall of bed room., picture of wild animals and violent scenes should be avoided.


Few important rules of vatsu shastra you should follow before starting any type of construction, the vatsu shastra is important for you because to get ride of any negative energies accumulated in the plot of land. Vastu shastra can help in reducing a lot of problems later on as well as help in a safe, efficient and speedy construction process, thereby saving both time and money.

 1. Clean the construction site before starting and work, pits, depressions and wells of the site should be filled and land must be levelled.
see more: Avoid land of following shape| |  Vastu Shastra for Land

2. The first digging of land for construction should be done by the master of the house or any senior member of the family.

3. Vastu pujan is important and should be done by a vastu expert.

4. Digging of the soil should be in the following order:
First >> north east sector, then north-west sector, then south-east and then south-west sector.
Laying of the foundation should be in the reverse order First south-west sector, then south-east and son on...

5. Building material, Should be kept in the south-west of the plot. A new building should be built up with new material and new wood. any material from an old building should never be used in a new one.

6. Pit for the septic tank should be in the north-west only.

7.  Leave more open space in north and east and the main building should be constructed in the south-west of the plot .

8.  Balconies or terraces should be in north and east sides.

9. Avoid any openings like doors and windows towards the south direction

10. The south and west directions of the plot should be covered with long walls.